
Is Darwinism or the Evolution Theory, based on Darwinism, exact science? Are there any evidences, formulae, can it be reproduced or repeated? Yes it is science, but not science like for instance the Relativity Theory. Still, putting question marks behind the Evolution Theory, or just parts of it, is a bit tricky. If you have the courage to do so, the reaction is almost always: ok so you believe in a god! The thought that there could be more ways beside these two, to explain life and the evolution of life, seems to be a taboo. Still, doubts and questions are the road to new theories and new discoveries. So I want to pick up this challenge. I am not religious and I am not an expert concerning the Evolution Theory. On the one hand that could be a disadvantage and has the risk of sometimes missing the point and using wrong terms but on the other hand I don’t have to carry the burden of learned dogma’s or of any angry reactions of colleagues. I know it is much easier to break down another one’s theory than to make and defend your own. Therefor I will start to put question marks behind the scope of the Evolution Theory, as we know it today, but only with the purpose to explain the basics behind an essential addition to this theory, I would like to present and describe to you.

So I am not an expert concerning the Evolution Theory. I am a civil engineer from The Netherlands. Yes that explains my language errors. In advance: Sorry for that.


Reading articles and so on concerning the evolution of life, I learned a lot. About theories based on the existence of a creator, like ‘intelligent design’, and also about theories based on other (possible) natural, evolutionary processes, than those proclaimed by the evolution Theory. To my surprise there is not only a battle going on between the supporters of the first theories (“creationists”) and of the last theories (“evolutionists”) but also and even more between the members of these last group.

About creationism: The theory I will present to you is no alternative for these kinds of theories because my theory is not based on the assumption of the existence of a creator. On the contrary: the theory, I will present to you, makes it in my opinion easier to explain this evolution without a creator. Almost all critics of creationists, that the Evolution Theory finds hard to refute, are refuted quiet easily by my theory without any need for creationism. I have added a chapter to demonstrate this.

About evolutionists: the battle is mostly between supports of Darwinism and supporters of other evolutionary processes beside or in stead of ‘random mutations’ and ‘survival of the fittest’. They talk about mutations as being the driving force, about plasticity (the capability of a species to adjust itself to changing circumstances and transfer that to their offspring, so an adaptation process way faster than according to the Evolution Theory) and so on. Tough the supporters of these other theories sometimes have strong arguments, they are often hardly heard and sometimes even ridiculed. In my contribution I have chosen the Evolution Theory as starting point. Nevertheless there are good reasons to take the other evolutionary theories serious. Sometimes they also overlap some of my theories about the evolution of life. But also sometimes they go in other directions. In advance, I want to make clear that I have no reason to think that those other directions could not (also) present a viable answer, maybe even in a combination. In that respect I have to mention EES (Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. In the same chapter about other theories ‘Intelligent design and other theories’ I will come back to that initiative.

One last remark in advance. The following presentation has some scientific pretentions. It is based on reading scientific information and on my own observations, thinking and insight. The result of this is more or less a rational line of reasoning, not with abstract theories, but one that contains lines of thoughts derived from normal experiences and open information and also tested against these sources and against scientific research reports, facts and information. To quote every source is undoable but where it really matters I will try to do so. If something is not correctly quoted or uncomplete, please let me know, so I can correct that.